Bring your dealership into the future


Unlock the full potential of your inventory with our state-of-the-art vehicle valuation and analytics tool. Designed specifically for dealers, our platform provides accurate, real-time valuations and market insights that empower you to buy, sell, and trade smarter. Elevate your dealership with data-driven decisions, optimise pricing strategies, and stay ahead of market trends. Experience precision at your fingertips and turn insights into action today.

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Packed full of features

As well as our standard Platform feature-set, we've developed some of the most advanced systems for dealerships.

Advert Generation

Brego Dealer's Advert Text Generator simplifies the process of crafting compelling, high-converting vehicle listings. By leveraging advanced natural language processing (NLP), the tool analyses a vehicle's specifications, condition, and features to automatically generate tailored advert text that highlights the car's best selling points. This ensures that every listing is not only accurate but also resonates with potential buyers, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

Dealerships can customise the generated text to align with their brand voice while saving valuable time that would otherwise be spent writing individual listings. Whether you're listing a family sedan or a high-end sports car, the Advert Text Generator adapts seamlessly to different vehicle categories, helping your inventory stand out in a crowded marketplace. With this tool, Brego Dealer empowers you to attract more attention and close more sales, all while maintaining consistency and professionalism in your marketing.

Advert Generation by Brego

Dealer Analytics

Brego Dealer's Analytics feature provides dealerships with a competitive edge by delivering actionable insights into the market. By analysing real-time data from competing dealerships and current market trends, dealers can understand their competitive positioning and identify growth opportunities. This feature helps dealerships optimise their pricing strategies, compare their inventory against the market, and adjust their marketing tactics to capture more customer interest. The analytics dashboard also provides valuable information on customer preferences, helping dealers align their inventory with the most in-demand models.

In addition to market analysis, Brego Dealer offers smart vehicle recommendations that highlight potential additions to your inventory. These recommendations are based on market demand and your existing sales patterns, ensuring that your dealership stocks vehicles most likely to generate high returns. With a comprehensive view of the competition and strategic vehicle recommendations, Brego Dealer's Analytics feature empowers you to enhance your inventory, boost profitability, and stay ahead in a dynamic market.

Brego Dealer Features

Stock Locator and Sourcing Tools

Find stock in the UK or local area based on AI and data-led analysis of what cars are best for your dealer. Get in touch with sellers directly and buy cars at the right price - fuelled by the most accurate valuation system in the UK.

We have the largest database of auction and retail data to fuel our incredibly accurate valuations - using this database, we can help source vehicles that are right for your dealership in realtime.

Our stock location system is an extremely advanced Platform feature - and you don't need to register or buy other products from Brego, it comes all in one complete packaged, web-based Platform.

Restful API

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